Broken Hearted...
So yesterday was the viewing, and there were many people who came to say farewell to Tara and pay their respects to her parents and her brother. Many people from our high school were there...you need to understand that we went to one of the smallest high schools in Bucks County, so we were all like family...even if you were in a grade above or below. As I entered the funeral home and entered the room where Tara's body lay, tears filled my eyes. My thoughts were I shouldn't be her saying goodbye to her or giving her parents and brother unending love and support...but then I realized that ultimately God obviously needed Tara in heaven for something much greater than here on Earth. I hugged her mom, and her mom cried, she couldn't believe I was there, and honestly I wouldn't have been anywhere else... Her mom told me that it was an honor to have me there, more tears ensued...then her dad...more tears...more hugs...no words.
Today was the funeral, and it was more tears as you can imagine. The service was beautiful, very honoring of a life so very well lived. Two of her friends spoke, and shared many stories that made us laugh, but there were also stories that made us cry. Then her brother spoke, then her dad. He was grateful to all of us for being there, (apparently Tara's mom and dad were worried ppl wouldn't show up, but show up we did...) and then shared some things about Tara that we may not have known. then the service ended and we made our way to our cars for the drive to the cemetary. We arrived at the cemetary and filed to the graveside. We followed Tara's casket and settled in around her final earthly resting place. Then a poem was read and butterflies released, it was beautiful yet heartbreaking...
I was able to spend a few minutes talking with Tara's mom back at their residence and we talked about life, we remembered funny things about Tara. Tara's dad laughed when we talked about softball, and all the fun that we had doing it. Somehow life will go on for the Riedley's, they will be sustained by all the people that Tara's life touched. There will always be that thought in my head that I wish I had stayed in better contact with Tara. She was a special person, loved by many and missed by many.
Thanks for always making softball so much fun, I am so glad that God allowed us to share that time together. Your smile will always be remembered along with your kind, gentle spirit. I will look for you when I get to Heaven so we can have a catch just like we used to always do, although I am sure that I won't have to look far, I will be looking for that smile. You are missed and so well loved. Thank you for showing us how to live life so well and living life to the fullest. I love ya!
did you just say stray dog??" He was like yeah Miss April, see "stray dog"...there on the page were the words I couldn't believe I had heard. I started laughing so hard that it looked like I was crying...and no one else got it. Where is team dirty mattress when I need them?? oh the memories...
Kacie texted me last week and said she saw a dirty mattress on the side of the road... it is amazing what will make you remember some amazing times...
What God has taught me since I have been home!
Mexico has definitely left an impression on my heart. God has been speaking to me alot lately. Last Sunday in church I had to stand and share a little about my trip. As soon as I stood up and began talking, I began to cry. Those of you who know me, know that I am NOT a cryer...at least in front of people. Yet there I was tearing up and not being able to talk...but God gave me the strength to speak and share what He wanted to be shared. I don't even remember exactly what I said, so I am buying the tape of the service so I can hear what words God put into my mouth.
After church I had many people tell me how well spoken I was...all I could say was that God gave me the words...because for me there are no words for me to describe the trip...and the pictures just don't do it justice. I have posted the pictures from my trip onto my myspace page along with a video I have made. The video is a big thing for me, I created it as a Thank-You to all the people who have supported me financially. It is my way of showing them the work I did so they can see the money they invested went a long way. I put alot into the video, I think I changed it 6 times... and have finally figured out the right layout for it. I stayed up late Sunday night to create it...I think I only got maybe 2 hours of sleep, then jumped up to go to VBS at my church in the AM. So worth it...
I returned to work on Tuesday to the cheers of the kids in my class... As I walked into the classroom to go to the kindergarten room to see a certain little monkey I got mobbed at the door. They were so excited to see me, which helped make me feel a little better. But then they started chanting my name, and that brought back a ton of memories from Mexico. It was good though, it showed me that I have made a difference in their lives. Everyone had a lot of questions about my trip and I answered them as best as I could without mentioning the name of Jesus or God. Which was hard because that was the purpose of the trip.
God has showed me that I have a heart for missions. I have decided to begin looking for a job in a school district so that I can have summers off. Why you may be asking...not because I don't love my current job, but so that I can spend my summers doing missions work. I want to spend more time devoting myself to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. God has opened my heart to the brokenness of the world, and I can't just sit back and let the passion in my heart slip away.
So please pray for me as I search for a job in a school district that will allow me to do more for Christ. I am totally stepping out in faith and praying that God will guide me in this decision.
Day 7- Saturday Aug 2
So this morning was a little surreal. It doesn't seem possible that I am on this plane right now heading back home. I would love to still be with the gang from Miami and the crazy yet very loveable group from Global Infusion. It's amazing how difficult it was to say goodbye to everyone- yet we will see each other again one day.
Just a recap on the day so far-
woke up had a yummy breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes!! thanks Hannah and Jonathon).
Then we took a final team picture. The morning was going smooth but there was a little bump in the road (before we even got in the vans)...apparently the key to the trailer was lost at some point during the week so Jonathon and Matt had to use a powersaw to take it off. It was quite a sight... We left after loading the trailer and vans up. Larry was now our driver-and he made quite an exit that wasn't quite so smooth...but it was awesome!!! Water splashed everywhere!! We had one last dirty mattress chant together. The morning didn't seem like it should be happening-but it was-and we made it through. We arrived at the airport with no glitches-well almost. The red van overheated...almost, but Jonathon saved the day. The line was long to cross the border- but that was good cause it gave Adrian time to come up and chill alongside the van... We eventually got across the border with no problems. As we crossed we prayed for the white van who had to be pulled over cause they had the trailer and it needed to be inspected. As soon as we got done praying and said "amen", Liz got the call that they made it through with no problems! God is sooo good! Larry had everyone where his hat and take a silly picture-what a crazy and fun way to end this trip!
The goodbyes at the airport were tough-we grew so close to everyone and they have deeply impacted my life. I know when I see little reminders I will laugh and reflect on this trip and remember all the people who came together to serve our God in a mighty and powerful way.
As we were in line for security checks I could have sworn I heard the GI team singing "na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye..." So appropriate...
We sat at the gate and soon I realized that our departure time had come and gone, so I went up to investigate-apparently the place was having smoke in the cabin from the A/C system, so the flight was canceled. I promptly began talking with an agent who made sure we would make our connecting flight to Philly... and I was clear that I wanted our luggage to arrive there with us. (it did) While standing near the gate Kacie, Liza and I kept hoping that by chance the GI staffers would start walking down the hallway. We joked that we'd probably start jumping up and down to tackle them in the hallway. We got bummed when the airline announced that anyone making changed due to the canceled flight would need to go down to the ticket counter to make alternate arrangements, but we already had tickets... It meant that we would have been able to see them once more-but God had everything in Control.
Although our trip has ended the memories will never ever go away. I was so blessed to be with such an amazing group of people- I can't wait to start planning my next Global Infusion trip.
If I could describe the Global Infusion staff with a phrase or word it would be:
Larry: crazy, heart on fire for God, loving man..
Liz: dedicated to His service, amazing woman of God, trusting, encouraging and supporting
Summer: Funny, motivational-kept me going when I wanted to give up
Felipe: Serious yet joyful man of God, dedicated to serving God throughout the world
Danielle: serving God with all her heart and havingfun doing it
GI Staff, if you happen to read this-
Thank you so much for being dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout all the world. God is going to bless each and everyone of you. Thank you for showing me how to serve His people and having fun while doing it. You are all an amazing group of people and I hope I can join you on another GI trip soon
You guys are the best!! WE LOVE YOU and MISS YOU!!
Day 6- Fri Aug 1st "Picture This"
As I write this I am sitting atop a mountain sitting next to a cross high above the city of Juarez. the view is absolutely amazing and breath-taking. Yet beneath all the beauty that I can see, throughout this week I have witnessed a broken city, a broken God, and broken people. I can't help but think that when God sees His people that His heart just breaks for those people-His children. We are all God's people- it doesn't matter what we look like, where we come from because in God's eyes we are beautiful simply because He loved us so much to send His son to die for us. This group of people that are around me right now have learned to live together and serve God together and that's what it is all about-stepping outside of your comfort zone to serve the people- God's people. They are just like you and me yet they struggle to make a way in this world, yet we have everything we need and more. I have learned this week how to live on basics. I don't need all the extra stuff- that's just extra blessings from God. Yet thinking about the people of this amazing city. I have so much respect for them because they have nothing yet they have everything. I have been so blessed to be able to come here and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If I have touched one life then I have made all the difference. This has been an experience I will never forget, as I leave this place tomorrow I am leaving a piece of my heart, and Juarez has left an impression on my heart- and I will always remember to lvie the basics of life. I encourage you to do the same---
We truly are a CHOSEN people- we were put in this city for a reason and we accomplished what we set out to do.
I have never put so much effort into anything in my life- I am glad that I put 100% in everything I have done this week.
**the rest of this post was written later in the afternoon after the mountain hike**
After visiting and climbing the mountain to view this amazing city we went to the indoor market. It was a little marketplace where you can barter for merchandise. It was quite an experience, the people had beautiful merchandise and I spent quite a bit of money but got beautiful things. We had lunch at a place that the GI team is very familiar with-and it was delicious food. Then after the market we returned to the "Las Tapias", we had a final debriefing and then had to clean and pack to get ready to leave tomorrow. Tonight was a night of last. Last time to see the kids at Centro Victoria, last night at Las Tapias. It is bittersweet. I don't really want to leave, I don't feel like my work is done yet it is. I definitely see myself returning next year and making a huge difference!
Day 5- Thurs July 31
Although tomorrow is our last day here I am excited to know that one day I will be rejoined with the GI staff, the Life Challenge staff and the Miami team when we are all sitting in awe at the feet of Jesus.
This trip has taught me so much about myself and the things that I can accomplish when God is in Control and when I give Him all the control. I know there will be many challenges with returning to a "normal" life, yet when God is in control He will take these challenges from me. And quite honestly I will never have a normal life again, I have seen too much poverty and brokenness in this place.
July 30- Day 4
After construction was completed we had lunch then headed over to the community center for VBS. The children at this VBS site come from homes where their parents are druggies, alcoholics or drug dealers. It was amazing to see the differences between yesterday's VBS site and todays. There were little to no parents there and the kids were wound up. Probably from the drugs they are inhaling in their own homes. In the end though everyone came together to accomplish the task. We decided that as leaders that we wouldn't stay to do a community outreach. The team was beat from a hard days work, and staying would have meant being in Chivida til 11 pm then driving an hour back. We left and stopped at a park for debriefing, and then off to Carmen's for dinner.
When we returned from dinner we sat outside and just sang for a little bit. It was nice just to be able to relax and fellowship with everyone. Although everyone was tired no one went to sleep, it was a "good tired" as everyone was laughing and having a good time with each other. Currently it is 11:10 and some girls are still outside hanging out.
Some of the most memorable moments of the day;
-chanting "Felipe, Felipe" for the best driver...he does well considering there are no street signs here!
-laughter in the van, it energizes me every time I enter the van
-singing acapella on the balcony
-mixing and pouring concrete
-eating spicy food at Carmen's
-learning more Spanish each day
-the everyday chant "DIRTY MATTRESS"
-"horseradish is the stuff you put on roast beef" after one of the girls asked for the 'horseradish' medicine. it was kind of like ben gay but had a horse on it...hence horseradish. (oh the things we say when we are tired!!!)
goodnight...i am ready to wake up tomorrow for the final day of construction and VBS and give it my all.
It is hard to think that our time here is halfway through...these are experiences I am never going to forget!
July 29-Day 3
This mornings devotionals were on Psalm 24. The scripture talks about how everything in the earth is God's, the whole earth and the people who live in it. This totally relates to the time we are experiencing at this very moment. Time to share love and compassion with people who need to feel the love of GOD- not my love- but the love of God through me. God placed these people on the earth for a reason-knowing one day that I would come here to share HIS love one day. It is truly amazing to think that the beauty of HIS earth was made to go out and seek and save the lost. He gave us a Beautiful place to explore and then filled it with people so that we could touch their lives. It truly is a beautiful thing when you take a moment to stop and think about it. Just about time to go do more construction!! GO TEAM DIRTY MATTRESS!!
On the way to construction there were some funny moments...I want to share them, but be forewarned you just had to be there:
"Turtle power" "turtle in a half-shell" (upon seeing an open sewer grate)
Felipe saying to me "you're going to turn into a brunette" My reply "but I am already a brunette" after seeing me with tar and dirt particles all over my arms and head.
I had the opportunity to pray over the family whose roof we fixed today. It was pretty amazing, the daughter asked us to pray for her mom. Felipe translated for me as I prayed. I just asked God to allow the love that we poured into the house to be mulitplied even after we leave this place, and that God would bless the family just as we have been blessed through the work we are doing.
This afternoon we headed out for our last day at this particular VBS site. We were uncertain of what the day would hold or what kind of turnout we would have. Well, God certainly showed up, and He brought 65+ kids to us. Lives were touched, and there were many smiling faces. We gave the children salvation bracelets and shared with the children what each color meant. Hopefully they will keep that in their hearts. It was definitely God's hand in the midst of it all, none of us would have been able to do any of it without His overwhelming love and grace. When we went to leave, one of the girls "Barissa" gave me the biggest hug and then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. It amazed me that even though I couldn't really communicate with her all that well, she still felt the love of Christ. She truly touched my heart. I was talking with the Pastor's wife and she touched her heart and said "gracias" and was saying how we have touched her heart and how she is grateful to us for being there. It was truly God who had placed us here in Juarez and is opening many doors for us. Praise God!! One of the most touching moments of my day was after VBS. One of the moms asked to be prayed over and although I have no idea what was prayed, I had tears running down my eyes because I knew that we had touched her heart. It is awesome to witness-because of what we are doing lives are being changed!
Later in the evening we went out and invited community families to the Tapias for an event. We were showing a movie in Spanish, Miami prepared a skit, some praise and worship, and some breakdancing! Yes- I said breakdancing!! God is bringing people out of their comfort zone and it is all being used for His glory!
One moment that brought another tear to my eyes was the drama by Miami. (I totally know God is softening my heart on this trip because I am not a public cryer and I have already cried multiple times where I can be seen). The drama was about how when God sent His son to die on the cross for us, He died to take all our sins, not part but all. The skit went on to show that even Christians get tempted but Christ is always trying to get us back to Him, but it is up to us to break free from those sins. In the end, Christ spoke to the heart of the girl despite many temptations, and that He is aleays ready to take us back with open arms. Christ then takes those sins on to Himself simply because our debt was paid when He died on the cross for us. It was very powerful to watch. I pray that those watching would feel the same thing I felt- the love and compassion of God given to us in the form of His son. Then it was time for some breakdancing...a bunch of locals started dancing, and it turned into a dance-off between some Miami people and the locals. It was quite funny to watch.
After everyone left a bunch of us sat up on the balcony and sang praise and worship songs for 45 minutes. No one complained that it was late, they all enjoyed hearing His name be praised. It was truly a blessing to be apart of.
Day 2-July 28
we all loaded back in the van, and off we went to the ice cream place. It was sooooo delicious. The other team hadn't arrived back yet so we were keeping it a secret from them...haha yeah right. We prepped materials for the next days VBS and also for the rest of the week. We went to get some Coca-Cola's...cause by this point we were sick of drinking agua. We took Alan with us so that he could keep the thugs away... the soda there is cheap compared to what I am used to. A 1 liter bottle was $1.00. Well it is about time to head to dinner. talk to you later...
I forgot to write about this earlier...
when we were coming home from VBS earlier Felipe was following the Pastor back to the main road and once we got to where he thought he knew he was going he stopped following him. Well, as we were travelling down the ravine (yes ravine, they use them as makeshift roads), we realized they were all coming one way. Suddenly we realized there was a car behind us and we were thinking we were going the right way. well...it was the pastor waving at us trying to get our attention. He pulled up next to us and was laughing at us.
The fellowship with the Miami team has been great. They have welcomed us into their team ad we have made bonds that will hopefully last a lifetime.
While at dinner tonight Kayla caught the attention of Kacie and Liza. She was playing with stickers that Liza had brought and then would play "peek-a-boo" but instead would say "hola".
We have some amazing leaders here with us this week from global Infusion. They really know how to have a good time. I sat next to Larry, Liz and Verano during dinner. Larry just crack me up. He is such a goof ball...but he also has a heart for Christ. While we were finishing up dinner Felipe told us he had a surprise for us tonight- a trip to a lookout where we could see over the city of Juarez. We would have time to pray over the city and have a time of fellowship. That was not meant to be, because 5 minutes later Larry told Felipe that Matt said the road was closed. But that we will get to pray over the city on Friday when we take a hike up a mountain to giant Cross.
So we returned to the Tapias and relaxed a bit.
Hasta Manana!!
Day One- July 27th
I am back safe and sound
Over the next few days I will be adding entries from my journal that i wrote while on my Mission trip to Juarez, Mexico...it will written word for word from my journal..i am not holding anything back...I want people to know what I was experiencing and how I was feeling as I went through the week... I want God to have all the praise and Glory!
I will eventually add pictures from the trip, and I know that they will melt your heart.