
Scrapbooks and Videos...

So lately I have been working on finishing up the Thank You DVD's I made for the people who generously supported my trip to Mexico. It has been long process, but they should be done soon. I pretty much just have to make the DVD labels, and finish burning some more copies. I can't wait to give them to everyone!
I started my Mexico scrapbook this evening. Kacie and I started at the same time, and yet she is more done then I. Must be her young age... I am excited at how this is turning out, it is going to be a great tool for witnessing and sharing my experiences on this trip...although there might be some things that ppl just aren't going to understand. Oh well...

I haven't blogged in quite a long time...I just haven't felt led to share anything. anyway, last weekend I went to revelation generation. A christian music festival in frenchtown, NJ...it was quite amazing. I was excited when i got to meet bethany dillon, and was able to share with her how i used one of her songs in my video. She also encouraged KC to do missions work, which i know made KC's day. There were alot of good bands, and I even got to hear some that I never really heard before. Shawn McDonald is very talented...you should check him out. It was great weather and there were tons of people. I even found out that people from college were there, but I didn't get to see them. KC-remember when I said I thought I saw a friend from college on the big screen...well, it was her!!

Anyway, I am excited to start saving for Mexico...I can't wait til I can go back and see the fruits of my labor, and see all the kids whose lives we touched.

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Mexico 2008

Mexico 2008