
Broken Hearted...

So it has been a week since I last posted. So much has happened in that week, and I am going to use this as an outlet to convey how I am feeling about the happenings that have unfolded. When I last journaled everything was great...but on that same day 8/13 I lost a friend. I was completely unaware of the happenings that were taking place at the moment I was making that entry. On 8/13 in Cancun, Mexico the life of my friend Tara Riedley had ended, she died peacefully in her sleep to an apparent heart attack, she was 30 years old. She was vacationing with her beloved family and didn't wake up that fateful morning. Her mom went in to her room and was talking to her, but she was not responding, her mom thought that she was still sleeping. Then she tried to wake her and shook her, and realized that her precious only daughter was gone. Of course the Mexican authorities were hard to communicate with, and they had to determine there was no foul play, which obviously there wasn't. Needless to say they returned home, and their daughter came home too just not the way they or I or the countless people who loved her would have wanted. I have known Tara since elementary school, and played softball with her for at least two years, and then remained friends in high school. Tara had an infectious smile, when she smiled you couldn't help but recriprocating the smile back. She could light up a room... I haven't seen Tara in years, but I am sure that if I passed her on the street we would smile and hug just like time had never passed. That seems to be the way it is with us New Hope Grads...you just pick up where you left off years ago.
So yesterday was the viewing, and there were many people who came to say farewell to Tara and pay their respects to her parents and her brother. Many people from our high school were there...you need to understand that we went to one of the smallest high schools in Bucks County, so we were all like family...even if you were in a grade above or below. As I entered the funeral home and entered the room where Tara's body lay, tears filled my eyes. My thoughts were I shouldn't be her saying goodbye to her or giving her parents and brother unending love and support...but then I realized that ultimately God obviously needed Tara in heaven for something much greater than here on Earth. I hugged her mom, and her mom cried, she couldn't believe I was there, and honestly I wouldn't have been anywhere else... Her mom told me that it was an honor to have me there, more tears ensued...then her dad...more tears...more hugs...no words.
Today was the funeral, and it was more tears as you can imagine. The service was beautiful, very honoring of a life so very well lived. Two of her friends spoke, and shared many stories that made us laugh, but there were also stories that made us cry. Then her brother spoke, then her dad. He was grateful to all of us for being there, (apparently Tara's mom and dad were worried ppl wouldn't show up, but show up we did...) and then shared some things about Tara that we may not have known. then the service ended and we made our way to our cars for the drive to the cemetary. We arrived at the cemetary and filed to the graveside. We followed Tara's casket and settled in around her final earthly resting place. Then a poem was read and butterflies released, it was beautiful yet heartbreaking...
I was able to spend a few minutes talking with Tara's mom back at their residence and we talked about life, we remembered funny things about Tara. Tara's dad laughed when we talked about softball, and all the fun that we had doing it. Somehow life will go on for the Riedley's, they will be sustained by all the people that Tara's life touched. There will always be that thought in my head that I wish I had stayed in better contact with Tara. She was a special person, loved by many and missed by many.
Thanks for always making softball so much fun, I am so glad that God allowed us to share that time together. Your smile will always be remembered along with your kind, gentle spirit. I will look for you when I get to Heaven so we can have a catch just like we used to always do, although I am sure that I won't have to look far, I will be looking for that smile. You are missed and so well loved. Thank you for showing us how to live life so well and living life to the fullest. I love ya!

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Mexico 2008

Mexico 2008