

So I entered a classroom yesterday and one of the boys was looking at a book. So as he was reading I was sitting across from him writing my daily letter for the parents. All of a sudden I hear him say "stray dog"...I immediately stopped what I was doing, and looked at him and said "
did you just say stray dog??" He was like yeah Miss April, see "stray dog"...there on the page were the words I couldn't believe I had heard. I started laughing so hard that it looked like I was crying...and no one else got it. Where is team dirty mattress when I need them?? oh the memories...
Kacie texted me last week and said she saw a dirty mattress on the side of the road... it is amazing what will make you remember some amazing times...


1 comment:

Kacie said...

awwwwwww! i would so do the same thing!i'm saving money now for last year. heres my options: mexico, guetamala, mexico for 2 weeks, or mexico for one week AND guetamala! praying about but sooo many people have told me they see me in missions so i know im on the right path. =] =] =] =]

Mexico 2008

Mexico 2008